Weekend Edition by HumanFission
It truly astounds me how the human race has come so far with the overwhelming majority of us being complete idiots. I used to think my point of view was biased or tainted because of the work I do, but more and more I find that it just seems to be the standard. Stupid people have overtaken the world.
If you are reading this, and are already offended, just stop reading now. It doesn't get any better for you, because odds are, you're one of those people that make me want to let out a long, drawn-out sigh and break something (which is why my desk is stocked with soft non-breakable things).
One thing that further amazes me is our ability as a race to both completely rely and completely shun those few people who actually are making advancements that keep us moving "forward" in the realm of discovery. These people are commonly shunned as soon as they show any sort of mental prowess, and that lasts for most of their developmental years. However, the very people that shun them end up relying on them later in life. Even our society is defunct.
Back to the original statement: idiots. I would make a plea, try to appeal, or even flat out beg the people this rant covers to stop being lethargic, ignorant, idiots, but alas, even if I did, most wouldn't understand, and the rest would just become angry. I mean, who am I to go off on an attempt to better the world? Obviously neither I nor anyone else has any sort of right to try to get people to open their eyes and try to actually DO something, or BE something. According to most of the population, an attempt like that would make me some sort of self-righteous bigot, since I'm pointing out that people suck and they could do better. I mean…how dare I do such a thing?!
For those of you who may be reading this and aren't offended, perhaps even thinking of instances where you have felt somewhat the same, for you I have nothing. While this may have prompted a self-inspection to assess whether there are things that you do that fall into habit that could be done differently, or to actually attempt something on an independent level instead of giving up and looking elsewhere for someone else to do it for you, in the long-run, even this rant has had no impact. Because those of you who read and react in a way that may reveal some sort of logic or understanding, are the people who maintain an open enough mind to do that on your own. The rest of the people….well…your guess is as good as mine.
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