As far as most gaming publishers are concerned, all computer gamers are playing World of Warcraft. They don't seem to realize how many of us quit long ago because Blizzard alienated us, or simply because we got tired of them not being able to make up their mind on how some of the simplest game mechanics should work.
So for those of us that have played WoW and left, we have been waiting for something new for quite awhile. I first got excited about DnD Online, then it turned out to be nowhere even close to as good as it should have been. Then I actually turned my attention to some non MMO games, HellGate London, Assasin's Creed, Supreme Commander. I found out the first two wouldn't be out for ages, then wasn't too impressed with Supreme Commander due to the numerous multiplayer bugs.
So now I'm sitting here waiting for WarHammer Online, or Huxley, or anything that is different to emerge, something that requires some form of skill, or teamwork. Don't need another game with button mashing on cool down timers. I'm a picky gamer, I'll admit it, but two years ago you were seeing MMO's pumped out weekly, some good, most bad, and now that there are starting to be more and more available players that have left the old MMO's, there is nothing new to try. This is a failure of gaming community first off, and a disappointment in the gaming studios second.
Timing has always been a crucial part of just about anything, releasing games is no different. Several of the upcoming games have the potential to be big names, but when and how they manage their release will determine that.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Still Waiting for New Line of MMOs
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Top 5 Political Pet Peeves
Here are the top five things that piss me off the most in the world of politics right now.
5: Global Warming
This gets talked about alot, but nothing gets done. While the jury is still out rather the increase in global temperature is due to the Earth's natural climate cycle in conjuction with the Sun's energy output cycle just happening to coincide, or the so called "greenhouse effect", the fact remains that polution is a bad thing.
There are many frints to fight this on. Decrease polutant output from current sources, incrase in world vegitation to fight the build up of Carbon-Dioxide, or invest in alternative energy that is better for the environment. Any would help, all would be ideal.
4: Alternative Energy Sources
This relates closely to #5. We have had the ability to use Hydrogen as an energy source for some time now. And while technology that makes it safe for use everyday in cars has been awhile in coming, we've always had the capacity to make use of this energy source on larger scales. It is the cleanest burning thing on earth, as the only byproduct is water.
Research needs to continue for solar power. We have huge skyscrapers with lots of service area in every major city. I doubt solar power could replace all the electricity for those buildings, but it could be a nice help. The problem is, research companies need more money to find better efficency. Then it would be nice to see better incentives for companies to use these alternatives.
3: Talk of Impeachment
This is rediculous. By the time an impeachment can take place, the current administration will be out of office. All this would do now is eat up tax dollars and the time of our politicians that have better things to be doing. It's too late for this, drop it.
2: War in Iraq
Both sides need to concede on this. We can't just turn tail and leave the mess we've created, but we do need to find some sort of timeline that will get our troops out of there. I'm tired of the idiots on both sides that refuse to see both sides of the story.
1: Democrats vs. Republicans
Finally, my biggest pet peeve in politics is the ongoing Dem vs. Rep celebrity deathmatch. It's rediculous to watch anymore. I fully support having multiple opinions in discussions so we can make better educated decisions, but that isn't what the parties are about anymore. It's about making sure the other party looks bad, and is wrong, more than it's about trying to do the right thing and find what's best for our country. It sickens me to see this "he did it, no he did it" childish blame game that our nation seems to enjoy so much.
Posted by Icenode at 7:52 AM 2 comments
Labels: Anger, Democrat, Energy, Iraq, Politics, Polution, Republican
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Discrimination in Universities
Before I start today's rant, I am not going to bother with "politically correct" bullshit. Your either mature enough to read the article for its content and not nit pick at all the small stuff like grammer and PC terms, or your not mature enough to be reading my blog.
Since long before I was born there has been discrimination in universities. A certain group is always being overlooked and pushed aside for scholarships. But that group probably isn't one of the "minority" groups that most people are probably thinking about. Nope, that group is consisted of white males.
For years we have heard preaching about equality and fairness from rights activists. They go on and on about how even today there is racism and genderism. Then those same groups turn around and continually win preferential treatment in the name of equality. Read that last sentence again. Equally treated where they receive better treatment than others. Anyone else see the catch 22?
Today we see racism and genderism every single day. It's in our work, it's in our schools, and it's in our society. As long as there is preferential treatment in the work place (equal opportunity is a farse), or lower scholarship requirments at universities for people that just happen to have colored skin or breasts, there will always be discrimination.
I'm tired of the hypocrits, and the College Republicans student group over at the University of Rhode Island is as well. Read up on it here. If we want to see equality in this country, that means everybody is treated the same. Everyone would have to meet the same requirments for scholarships and entry to universities. Companies would be able to fire bad employees despite race/gender for poor performance without fear of a discrimination suit. And when hiring new employees, they could concentrate on finding the applicant best suited for the position instead of making sure they are meeting their race/gender quotas.
As a result, I predict you would see less animosity from white males towards other races and women in the workplace. Because then they would feel they earned their education at the same requirments, and also was hired into the job best filling their position instead of filling the companies quota. And when you end the underlying tension between everyone, that's when you will finially have the chance for discrimination to disappear from the public eye of society.
Posted by Icenode at 7:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: Discrimination, Equality, Human Rights, University of Rhode Island
Monday, April 23, 2007
Marijuana Rally Morons
Today's rant is short and it's on my favorite topic again, people are idiots.
It doesn't matter rather you agree with the law, it's just stupid to draw attention to yourself and then break it. I personally don't take a side in the Marijuana debate as I've never tried it and don't intend to. But attending a Marijuana rally and then publicly smoking it is just plain dumb.
It would be like violent extremists attending a gun rally, and then shooting anyone not a part of the rally. Sounds retarded doesn't it. Well, apparently not retarded enough to keep 78 people from being arrested in Denver last Friday. Even stupider was that 19 of those arrested were minors. I mean you must have serious self hate issues if you want to mess up the rest of your life by starting a criminal record as a minor.
If you don't agree with the law that's fine. Protest it, gather support and lobby, do whatever you have to within the confines of the law. As soon as you break the law, everybody quits listening. I'm not just saying this to the Marijuana rally idiots that got themselves arrested, this goes for anyone that is trying to stand up for what they believe in.