Friday, April 20, 2007

Gun Control or Lack Thereof

Well, it's official, I can't bring up a single news website or turn the TV on without being inundated by people wanting to take away the freedoms of Americans again. Do you people seriously have nothing better to do? I'm going to break this down quick because this shouldn't even be a discussion for Americans, much less a debate.

Argument #1: No guns = less murders.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The failure of this fuzzy logic should be obvious. If they are willing to commit murder(which is illegal), they will most certainly be willing to obtain guns from an underground market. And before you even think we could stop that, just look how well we've done at preventing drugs from circulating in our country. All a gun ban would do is take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Argument #2: If we can't do no guns, how about less guns = less murders.

Wrong again. Limiting guns to those that take have to jump through hoops of rigorous training courses, gun permits, carry licenses, etc is still only going to effect the law abiding citizens. The people that kill, will pay no mind to such trivial requirements.

Argument #3: Then we're screwed, because if everyone had a gun, it would be mayhem.

Strike three. Your out. There are many documented cases that indicate otherwise. I'll link you to Kennesaw, GA for a good representation of a city. To see what a country was like with every citizen armed, take a look at Switzerland.

If you read both articles I linked to, and you let your emotions subside for even a split second, you will see that logically it's in our interested for as many people as possible to be armed. If the government wants to encourage gun training courses by making them free etc... I am sure there are plenty of law abiding citizens that would make use of them.

However, the great thing that Kennesaw and Switzerland show us, is that once everyone is armed, there is hardly ever a need for someone armed to need to use their weapon. Criminals are sometimes crazy, but more often than not they are quite smart instead of stupid. So with that in mind pick which one of these scenarios is more likely.

1. Armed man walks into a room knowing that he is the only person armed because it would be against the law for anyone else to have a gun.

2. Armed man walks into a room knowing full well that at least half of the people in there are possibly armed, and probably a third of them with some training background.

Anyone that answers scenario #2 is more likely needs to seek counseling, and soon.

Argument #4: The fall back argument of there will be more accidents.

While statistically possible, aren't as likely as you'd first think. Since the guns don't usually have to be used to keep the crime rate lower, instead it's the knowledge that your victim might not be defenseless. Accidents also come with the side effect of having no where near the fatality rate or social trauma of murder.

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