Friday, March 9, 2007

Turn Signals are Obsolete

Have you ever stopped to think about why car manufacturers bother to put turn signals in cars? The times they would be most useful to fellow drivers no one bothers to use them. Its those times when traffic is pretty bad but hasn't come to a standstill yet. Your driving along and out of nowhere the 1.5 car lengths of space you were allowed before suddenly becomes basically none as someone swerves into the lane. This causeing you to suddenly slow down to create space, which causes the people behind you to suddenly slow down etc... until finally the reason that traffic jams occur has taken its toll on thousands of other drivers on the road.

As much as I curse the people that don't bother to signal lane changes, they can't all be blamed for their actions. A large number of them are actually not the cause, but instead the effect. They are the result of inconsiderate drivers everywhere. At some point in their life there is a good chance they used to use their turn signal. But as time has taken its toll these people have grown tired of the other crowd. You know, the ones that actually speed up when you hit your blinker so that you have no room to change lanes. The ones of a mentality that you changing lanes in front of them would be like cutting in line at Six Flags. So today's rant goes out to all of those drivers that refuse to make room for merging traffic and people that need to change lanes.

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