Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sheep of Society

People of society today are seemingly incapable of forming opinions on their own. Its simply easier for everyone to turn the TV on, flip it to the news channel and then agree unconditionally with whatever BS flows into their brains. They don't bother to educate themselves on anything because that would require too much effort, so they simply take everything presented to them from the news as fact. The hypocrisy comes in when they go home and tell their children not to believe everything they see on television. This behavior has fostered a lose/lose scenario with many of today's headlines. Everything from security, war, and human rights to convincing society that a celebrities death is worth a month of headlines and more important than the lives of our soldiers. News is no longer news, its now the official opinion and moral standard of the "Sheep of Society". And since bad news is the only news according to those who watch the ratings, all I can say is God help us all.

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