Monday, March 12, 2007

The Information Needle in the Internet Haystack

The longer the Internet has been around the harder it is to find what your looking for. Search engines such as Google have gone a long way in simplifying our quest to find a particular tidbit of information. However, as more and more web pages are created, the percentage of pages that actually contain our gold nugget of info gets smaller and smaller. If you search for something abstract or unpopular you have much higher chances of finding what your looking for, but if you search for something common you are returned with thousands of results. Most of these results are useless pages that only mention your search topic in passing. Even more annoying are the pages that simply include those words on their page to generate traffic to their website that is nothing more than a page full of web ads.

Personally I find this a waste of my time. As the masses have finally caught on to what a great resource the Internet could be, its value as a resource becomes more inefficient and bloated. With that frustration as another example of how today's Lemmings have messed up something else great, I wanted to bring your attention to this article about the upcoming Wiki Search. At this point there is not a lot known about its plans. But if its founders hold to similar ideas that made their Wikipedia website so popular this will have the potential to be the solution to our growing problem of useless information bloat. Users could possibly have the ability to edit out all of the useless website entries, and correctly label other pages that mention topics in passing that don't actually contain information on those topics. Keep an eye open for this product and help fight the Internet Lemmings.

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